Pokémon Go Adventure Week Collection Challenges, research tasks and bonuses
Includes a look at Adventure Week: Taken Over!
Adventure Week is a staple Pokémon Go and this year takes a look at Fossil Pokémon, along with a number of other Rock and Ground-types.
There's a number of Adventure Week Collection Challenges for you to complete during this Pokémon Go event and we've listed how to find the included Pokémon down below. You can also complete the Adventure Week event-exclusive research tasks and benefit from a selection of bonuses.
This event also includes Adventure Week: Taken Over where we'll see Team Rocket attempt to control Pokémon Go once again. Like previous Taken Over events, it will bring a new Special Research quest, Adventure Week: Taken Over, and changes to the Team Rocket Leaders lineups.
On this page:
Ancient Discoveries Collection Challenge Pokémon list in Pokémon Go
Ancient Discoveries is one of the Adventure Week Collection Challenges running in Pokémon Go until Monday 12th August at 11:59pm (local time). As always, you need to complete the Ancient Discoveries Collection Challenge before this deadline if you want to earn all of its rewards.
It's important to note that two of the Pokémon in this Collection Challenge can only be obtained through evolution. This means if you obtain these Pokémon through any other means, such as a trade, then it won't count towards this challenge. Make sure to use Pinap Berries when catching their pre-evolutions to ensure you have enough Candy.

Here are the Pokémon in the Ancient Discoveries Collection Challenge, along with how to find them:
- Kabuto - In the wild or seasonal research tasks ('Make 3 Great Throws' and 'Make 5 Great Curveball Throws')
- Kabutops - Evolve Kabuto using 50 Kabuto Candy
- Aerodactyl - In the wild or sesonal research task ('Win 5 Raids')
- Omanyte - In the wild or seasonal research tasks ('Make 3 Great Throws' and 'Make 5 Great Curveball Throws')
- Omastar - Evolve Omanyte using 50 Omanyte Candy
Completing this challenge will reward you with 2500 Stardust, 25 Mega Aerodactyl Energy and an Anorith encounter.
Dig It Collection Challenge Pokémon list in Pokémon Go
The Dig It Collection Challenge is available throughout the Adventure Week event in Pokémon Go until its end on Monday 12th August at 11:59pm (local time). Just like the above Collection Challenge, you'll need to complete Dig It before this time if you want to earn all of its rewards.
Like the above Collection Challenge, two of the Pokémon in this one must be obtained via evolution. Attempting to catch them through any other means will not count towards this Collection Challenge, so make sure you're using Pinap Berries when catching their pre-evolutions.

Below you'll find all of the Pokémon in the Dig It Collection Challenge, along with how to find them:
- Drilbur - In the wild or event-exclusive research task ('Spin 10 PokéStops or Gyms')
- Excadrill - Evolve Drilbur using 50 Drilbur Candy
- Dunsparce - In the wild or event-exclusive research task ('Catch 10 Rock-type Pokémon')
- Diglett - In the wild or seasonal research tasks ('Catch 7 different species of Pokémon' or 'Make 5 Nice Throws')
- Dugtrio - Evolve Diglett using 50 Diglett Candy
For completing this challenge, you'll receive 2500 Stardust, 25 Mega Aerodactyl Energy and a Lileep encounter.
Adventure Week field research tasks in Pokémon Go
You can collect event-exclusive research tasks for this Adventure Week by spinning PokéStops in Pokémon Go. These tasks can be saved and completed after the event ends, but you may want to complete a couple during it as the encounter rewards could help you complete the above Adventure Week Collection Challenges.
Here are the Adventure Week field research tasks in Pokémon Go:
- Catch 10 Rock-type Pokémon reward - Dunsparce or Roggenrola encounter
- Evolve a Pokémon reward - Lileep, Anorith encounter or 10 Mega Aerodactyl Energy
- Explore 2km reward - Crandios, Tyrunt or Archen encounter
- Hatch an Egg reward - Shieldon, Tirtouga or Amaura encounter
- Spin 10 PokéStops or Gyms reward - Drilbur or Bunnelby encounter
Thank you to Amiibofan101 from reddit for the help with this information.

Adventure Week Taken Over in Pokémon Go explained
Team Rocket will be taking over Pokémon Go once again during Adventure Week: Taken Over from Thursday 8th August at 12am (local time) to Monday 12th August at 11:59pm (local time). There are two Team Rocket bonuses running throughout this event-inside-an-event; first Team Rocket Grunts will be appearing more frequently at PokéStops and balloons, while, secondly, you can use Charged TMs to make Shadow Pokémon forget the Frustration Charged Attack.
A new Team Rocket event means a new Team Rocket Special Research quest called Adventure Week: Taken Over. Here you'll once again find yourself battling Giovanni and, if you defeat him, you'll be able to catch Shadow Cresselia. Since it's a Special Research, you can complete this quest whenever you like but you'll need to unlock it before Tuesday 3rd September at 9:59am (local time) first.

Adventure Week: Taken Over also makes a change in the lineup for both the Team Rocket Grunts and the Team Rocket Leaders (Arlo, Cliff and Sierra), so make sure you're ready to change up your counters.
This change up also marks the release of some new Shadow Pokémon:
- Shadow Timburr (can evolve into Shadow Gurdurr and Shadow Conkeldurr)
- Shadow Tirtouga (can evolve into Shadow Carracosta)
- Shadow Archen (can evolve into Shadow Archeops)
Shadow Raids are also seeing a shake up as part of this Taken Over event, including Shadow Lugia returning for a short period of time on Saturday 10th August and Sunday 11th August:
One Star | Three Star | Five Star |
Shadow Mareep | Shadow Nuzleaf | Shadow Lugia on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th August |
Shadow Wooper | Shadow Manectric | |
Shadow Cranidos | Shadow Vibrava | |
Shadow Shieldon |
You'll also be able to complete Team Rocket-themed field research tasks, which will reward you with Mysterious Components, Charged TMs and Fast TMs. Finally, there will be PokéStop Showcases.
The Shared Skies Season is here! Adventure Week has returned and brought the Adventure Week: Taken Over quest, along with changes to the Team Rocket Leaders and Giovanni lineups. Go Fest 2024 may have been and gone, but you can still play around with the Fusion mechanic. Meanwhile, ticket holders can finish Go Fest 2024: A Shadowy Caper and The Dusk Settles. Don't forget to try out Routes, Gift Exchange and Party Play while you're hunting down rare Pokémon, fighting in the Go Battle League or competing in PokéStop Showcases.
Everything we know about Adventure Week in Pokémon Go
This year's Adventure Week is running until Monday 12th August at 11:59pm (local time). It's a long event in Pokémon Go terms due to the Adventure Week: Taken Over (more info above) starting in the middle on Thursday 8th August at 12am (local time) and running until the same end time.
There are four bonuses running throughout Adventure Week with two of them focusing around PokéStops - you'll get double XP from spinning PokéStops and x5 XP when you spin a PokéStop for the first time. This Adventure Week will also give you double XP for hatching Pokémon, while there's an increased chance of encountering shiny Cranidos, Shieldon, Tirtouga, Archen, Tyrunt and Amaura.

During Adventure Week, the following Pokémon will be appearing more frequently in the wild:
- Diglett
- Omanyte
- Kabuto
- Aerodactyl
- Dunsparce
- Roggenrola
- Drilbur
- Bunnelby
Any 7km egg you collect from Gifts during this Adventure Week can hatch one of the following Pokémon:
- Cranidos
- Shieldon
- Tirtouga
- Archen
- Tyrunt
- Amaura

Of course, there are also PokéStop Showcases running throughout Adventure Week.
Finally, you can purchase a pay-to-play Timed Research quest during Adventure Week. It costs $2 or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency. This purchase is nonrefundable nor can PokéCoin be used, but you gift it to a play you're Great Friends or higher with. If you do purchase this quest make sure you complete it before Monday 12th August at 11:59pm (local time).
Hope you enjoy Adventure Week!