Where to find Chalky, Foamy and Cookie in Zenless Zone Zero
The locations of Cookie, Foamy and Chalky.
Knowing the location of Chalky, Cookie and Foamy in Zenless Zone Zero can help you complete your weekly tasks if you've chosen the ones where you need to take a photo of two of these delightful cats.
We recommend learning how to time skip if you want to find these cats easily in Zenless Zone Zero as they can spawn at different times of day in-game.
Without further ado, grab your cameras as this is where to find Chalky, Cookie and Foamy in Zenless Zone Zero.
On this page:
Zenless Zone Zero Chalky location
You can find Chalky sitting outside the shutters beside Godfinger Arcade facing Howl's News stand and Officer Mew Mew in the afternoon.

Zenless Zone Zero Cookie location
You can find Cookie on top of the truck between Godfinger Arcade and 141 Convenience store in the afternoon. If they're not here, they're likely to be on the small motorcyle next to Waterfall Noodle shop. However, if they're nowhere to be found it might be because you've started the 'big sister' quests with the bear brothers. Finish this quest to bring Cookie back to Sixth Street.

Zenless Zone Zero Foamy location
You can find Foamy sitting on the stack of pipes between Godfinger Arcade and 141 Convenience store in the morning.

That's it for now! If you're looking for more Zenless Zone Zero content, check out our pages showing you the best Ellen build, best Rina build and the best Koleda build.