Togedemaru 100% perfect IV stats, shiny Togedemaru in Pokémon Go
Everything you need to know about Togedemaru’s Spotlight Hour.
This week’s Spotlight Hour is all about the Roly-Poly Pokémon. No, not Rolycoly, we’re obviously referring to Togedemaru. With a Pokédex number of 777, we’re honestly a little surprised it wasn’t the Lucky Pokémon - somehow that doesn’t exist.
So yes, that means it’s the perfect chance to catch a Togedemaru in Pokémon Go!
Catching as many ball things as possible is the plan for this week’s Spotlight Hour - both because of the chance to shiny hunt a PVP Pokémon in Pokémon Go and because of the double catch Stardust bonus that runs alongside the event.
On this page:
Togedemaru 100% perfect IV stats in Pokémon Go
This week’s Spotlight Hour is a great opportunity to catch a Togedemaru with perfect IV stats.

'Perfect', of course, means two things in Pokémon Go. First, there’s the maxed out, 100% IV version, which is the 15/15/15 you’re looking for your 4* Pokédex, raids and Master League. Yet, because of how CP is calculated using three stats, a perfect IV Pokémon is only ever the best version of itself in the Master League.
Of course, you can’t see the IV of a Pokémon without catching it first, but with a little research beforehand, you can quickly spot a perfect Togedemaru based on the CP alone.
If you’re at Level 30 (or above), you’ll ideally be looking for the following CPs for a perfect 15/15/15 Togedemaru:
The wild CP value aligns with your Trainer Level until you reach Level 30 and, due to the majority of the player base now being above this level, we’ve kept to these values for the sake of simplicity. These values will, however, be different if you’re currently below Level 30.
Is Togedemaru good in PVP?
Yes, actually, it’s not bad. After the Pokémon we’ve seen this month, this is a nice change!
Running Thunder Shock, Fell Stinger and Wild Charge, this spammy Pokémon offers Shield pressure and momentum, since Fell Stinger will buff your attack by one stage with each attack. Just be aware that Wild Charge will nuke your defense - since Togedemaru lacks the bulk of its peers, you're pretty much one and done with that move.
In Great League, this means wins against some impressive Pokémon, including Skarmory, Azumarill, Lickitung, Vigoroth and Annihilape. Losses will come from Quagsire, Shadow Gligar, Shadow Whiscash, Charjabug and Bastiodon. All in, this is easily a top-five Electric type in this meta, and pretty much on par with Lanturn.
Looking to Ultra League, you can expect wins against Charizard, Jellicent, Tapu Fini, Talonflame and Poliwrath. Losses come from Virizion, Cobalion, Steelix, Giratina Altered and Cresselia. This is a much worse set of match-ups, and it's worth noting that Togedemaru falls just short of the CP cap, reaching CP 2442 at a perfect 15/15/15
Togedemaru is therefore going to be awful in Master League.
The Shared Skies Season is here! Adventure Week has returned and brought the Adventure Week: Taken Over quest, along with changes to the Team Rocket Leaders and Giovanni lineups. Go Fest 2024 may have been and gone, but you can still play around with the Fusion mechanic. Meanwhile, ticket holders can finish Go Fest 2024: A Shadowy Caper and The Dusk Settles. Don't forget to try out Routes, Gift Exchange and Party Play while you're hunting down rare Pokémon, fighting in the Go Battle League or competing in PokéStop Showcases.
Is there a shiny Togedemaru in Pokémon Go?
Sadly not, there is no shiny Togedemaru in Pokémon Go!

Remember, of course that this is not a Community Day and shiny rates are not boosted. Even if there was a shiny Togedemaru in the game, the chance of catching one would be incredibly low.
What does shiny Togedemaru look like?
When it is eventually released, shiny Togedemaru won’t get much fanfare, let alone notice. The grey of its body is simply replaced with a mousey brown.
It's such a subtle shiny that it is very, very difficult to see. Fortunately, in Pokémon Go, there is a little icon to let you know that you’re looking at the rare variant. When it is released, make sure you keep an eye out for that icon and its associated particle effect!
You can take a look at shiny Togedemaru in Pokémon Sheild in this YouTube video from giantswingallday below:
Other reasons to catch as many Pokémon as possible
Aside from trying to catch a perfect poly in Pokémon Go, there are a few other reason to partake in this week’s Spotlight Hour.
- The best reason is, of course, the double catch Stardust bonus running throughout the hour. The base rate of 100 Stardust per catch, meaning each Morelull catch is worth 200 Stardust.
- If the weather in Pokémon Go is to your favour - in this case Rainy or Snowy you will get twice the normal weather bonus (an additional 50 Stardust).
- This all stacks with a Star Piece to give a x1.5 multiplier to all Stardust gained.
- Thanks to Togedemaru being an Electric/Steel-type, catching a bunch during this Spotlight Hour will add progress to your respective catch bonus medals.
Spotlight Hour events only last for an hour from 6pm to 7pm (local time). The Spotlight Hour events for next month haven’t been announced yet, but come back next week for a primer on whatever takes the Spotlight.
Good luck finding a perfect Togedemaru Pokémon!