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Pokémon Go Strength of Steel Timed Research quest steps, Collection Challenges and rewards

Shiny Togedemaru arrives in Pokémon Go!

Image credit: Niantic

Strength of Steel celebrates Steel-types in Pokémon Go and it's a packed event!

Alongside the Strength of Steel Timed Research quest, the release of shiny Togedemaru and event-exclusive research tasks, this event also includes the Mega Lucario Raid Day. As the name of this additional event suggests, it brings Mega Lucario to Pokémon Go who promises to shake up the game's meta.

Don't forget about the three Strength of Steel Collection Challenges - Heavy Metal, This Ore That and Chrome Catch - while you're battling Mega Lucario though! Completing these challenges is an excellent chance to earn some additional Mega Energy for some Steel-type Mega Evolutions.

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'Strength of Steel Timed Research' quest steps in Pokémon Go

Strength of Steel Timed Research is a quest available in Pokémon Go until Tuesday 30th July at 8pm (local time). Missing this deadline will see you losing your chance to earn the quest rewards, so make sure you complete the quest during the Strength of Steel event if they take your fancy.

Below you'll find all of the Strength of Steel quest steps and rewards in Pokémon Go. Be wary of spoilers!

Thank you to Amiibofan101 from reddit for the help with this information.

'Strength of Steel Timed Research' Step 1 of 1

  • Catch 50 Steel-type Pokémon - Beldum encounter
  • Power up Steel-type Pokémon 15 times - Togedemaru encounter
  • Evolve 10 Steel-type Pokémon - Klink encounter
  • Earn 25,000 Stardust - Skarmory encounter
  • Win 3 raids - Mawile encounter
  • Catch 7 different species of Steel-type Pokémon - x3 Metal Coats

Rewards: 10,000 XP, one Magnetic Lure Module and Pawinard encounter.

Heavy Metal Collection Challenge Pokémon list in Pokémon Go

Heavy Metal is the first Collection Challenge running during the Strength of Steel event in Pokémon Go, so you'll have until Tuesday 30th July at 8pm (local time) to complete it.

Two of the Pokémon in this Collection Challenge can only be obtained via evolution, so, if you obtain them by any other means, they won't count towards this challenge. Due to this make sure you catch their previous evolution using Pinap Berries to gather up the extra candy you need.

Below you'll find the Pokémon in the Heavy Metal Collection Challenge, along with how to find them:

  • Aron - In the wild
  • Aggron - Evolve Lairon using 100 Aron Candy (Aron to Lairon require 25 Aron Candy)
  • Bronzor - In the wild
  • Bronzong - Evolve Bronzor using 50 Bronzor Candy

Completing this challenge will reward you with 5000 Stardust, 100 Mega Aggron Energy and Aggron encounter.

This Ore That Collection Challenge Pokémon list in Pokémon Go

This Ore That is one of the Collection Challenges running throughout the Strength of Steel event in Pokémon Go. This means you have until Tuesday 30th July at 8pm (local time) to finish this Collection Challenge.

It's important to note that two of the Pokémon in this Collection Challenge can only be obtained via evolution; if you catch these Pokémon through any other means, they won't count towards This Ore That. Alongside the candy required for these evolutions, you'll also need a Magnetic Lure Module to complete this Collection Challenge. If you don't have one in your inventory, you can either buy it from the in-game store or complete the Strength of Steel Timed Research quest.

Here are all of the Pokémon in the This Ore That Collection Challenge, along with how to find them:

  • Galarian Stunfisk - In the wild or seasonal research task (Earn 3 Candies walking with your buddy)
  • Magnemite - In the wild
  • Magneton - Evolve Magnemite using 25 Magnemite Candy
  • Magnezone - Evolve Magneton using 100 Magnemite Candy within the range of a Magnetic Lure Module

Completing this challenge will reward you with 5000 Stardust, 100 Mega Steelix Energy and Steelix encounter.

The Shared Skies Season is here! Adventure Week has returned and brought the Adventure Week: Taken Over quest, along with changes to the Team Rocket Leaders and Giovanni lineups. Go Fest 2024 may have been and gone, but you can still play around with the Fusion mechanic. Meanwhile, ticket holders can finish Go Fest 2024: A Shadowy Caper and The Dusk Settles. Don't forget to try out Routes, Gift Exchange and Party Play while you're hunting down rare Pokémon, fighting in the Go Battle League or competing in PokéStop Showcases.

Chrome Catch Collection Challenge Pokémon list in Pokémon Go

Chrome Catch is the final Collection Challenge running during the Strength of Steel event in Pokémon Go, so, like the previous challenges, you have until Tuesday 30th July at 8pm (local time) to complete it.

Thankfully, unlike the previous two challenges, you don't have to evolve any Pokémon to complete Chrome Catch. Instead, you just need to find and catch these Pokémon in the wild, raids or via event-exclusive research tasks.

Here are all of the Pokémon in the Chrome Catch Collection Challenge, along with how to find them:

  • Nosepass - In the wild
  • Togedemaru - In the wild, one-star raids or event-exclusive research task ('Catch 10 Steel-type Pokémon', 'Power up Steel-type Pokémon' or 'Explore 2km')
  • Skarmory - In the wild or one-star raids
  • Beldum - In the wild or seasonal research task (Make 3 Excellent Throws) or event-exclusive research task (Catch 15 Steel-type Pokémon)

For completing this challenge you'll earn 5000 Stardust, 100 Mega Scizor Energy and a Scizor encounter.

Strength of Steel field research tasks in Pokémon Go

Spinning a PokéStop during the Strength of Steel event can earn you an event-exclusive research task in Pokémon Go. While these tasks can be saved in your field research collection and completed after the event ends, you may want to complete some during Strength of Steel as the encounters you're rewarded can help finish the above Collection Challenge.

Here are the Strength of Steel field research tasks in Pokémon Go:

  • Catch 10 Steel-type Pokémon reward - Togedemaru encounter
  • Catch 15 Steel-type Pokémon reward - Beldum or Klink encounter
  • Power up Steel-type Pokémon 5 times reward - Togedemaru encounter
  • Explore 2km reward - Togedemaru encounter
  • Evolve 3 Steel-type Pokémon reward - 25 Mega Steelix, Scizor or Aggron Energy

Thank you to SilphScience from reddit for the help with this information.

Beldum and Klink encounters can be earned from the event-exclusive research tasks.

Mega Lucario Raid Day in Pokémon Go explained

The Mega Lucario Raid Day is during the Strength of Steel event on Saturday 27th July between 11am to 5pm (local time). This event marks the release of Mega Lucario in Pokémon Go! It will be appearing in Mega Raids from 11am to 5pm (local time) and you might even find yourself catching a shiny Lucario as it will have increased shiny odds.

Alongside this bonus, you'll also be able to collect five additional free Raid Passes from spinning Gyms during the event hours. This is great because you'll earn 1.5 extra XP from raids and there's an increased chance of earning Rare Candy XL from in-person raid battles.

The Remote Raid Limit will be increased to 20 between 5pm (local time) on Friday 26th July until 8pm (local time) on Sunday 27th July.

Any Lucario you catch from these raids will also know the Fighting-type Fast Attack, Force Palm. This move will have the following Power:

  • Trainer Battles - 13 Power
  • Gyms and Raids - 9 Power

Finally, you can purchase an event ticket during the Mega Lucario Raid Day, which will unlock an additional set of bonuses between 11am to 10pm (local time) on Saturday 27th July. This ticket will cost £4.99, $5 or the equivalent price in your local currency. As always, it will be non-refundable nor purchasable using PokéCoin, but can be gifted to a player you're Great Friends or higher with. It will also only be for sale until 5pm (local time) on Saturday 27th July.

The bonuses include eight Raid Passes from spinning Gyms, one guaranteed Rare Candy XL from catching Lucario, followed by an increased chance of getting Rare Candy XL from raids, triple XP and double Stardust from successful raids.

Purchasing this ticket via the Pokémon Go Web Store will also grant you early access to teh Lucario Mask.

Image credit: Niantic

Everything we know about Strength of Steel in Pokémon Go

Strength of Steel is running until Tuesday 30th July at 8pm (local time) in Pokémon Go and, of course, it brings a selection of bonuses to the game. (Make sure you don't forget about the Mega Lucario Raid Day on Saturday 27th July either!)

Firstly, every player will receive triple Stardust from catching Pokémon and double catch candy from Nice Throws or better. If you're Level 31 or above, you'll also have an increased chance of earning Candy XL from catching a Pokémon with a Nice Throw or better. You'll also earn additional Candy XL when you do catch a Pokémon.

Image credit: Niantic

Strength of Steel also marks the release of shiny Togedemaru in Pokémon Go, so keep an eye out for this shiny mouse!

Alongside this new shiny form, the following Pokémon will be appearing more frequently in the wild during Strength of Steel:

  • Alolan Sandshrew
  • Magnemite
  • Onix
  • Scyther
  • Pineco
  • Skarmory
  • Nosepass
  • Aron
  • Beldum
  • Bronzor
  • Ferroseed
  • Klink
  • Galarian Stunfisk
  • Togedemaru

The following Pokémon are appearing in raids throughout the Strength of Steel event:

One StarThree StarFive StarMega
SkarmorySteelixTornadus Incarnate FormeMega Aggron

Remember Mega Lucario will also be appearing in Mega Raids between 11am to 5pm (local time) on Saturday 27th July.

Image credit: Niantic

Finally, there are Strength of Steel-themed PokéStop Showcases running throughout the event.

Hope you enjoy catching Pokémon during Strength of Steel!

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