Pokémon Go Mega Glalie counters, weaknesses and moveset explained
How to defeat the mega evolved ice-type Pokémon.
Mega Glalie is the mega evolved form of Glalie, which makes its Pokémon Go debut as part of the 2022's Mythical Wishes Winter Holiday event in Pokémon Go.
Like all Mega Evolutions, Mega Glalie can’t be directly caught in Pokémon Go. Instead, you need to keep defeating it in Mega Raids until you’ve collected enough Mega Glalie Energy for its evolution. Thanks to the summer 2022 Mega Raid rebalance, this can now be done in one Mega Raid if you defeat it Glalie enough!
Below you’ll find Mega Glalie’s counters and weaknesses to help you succeed in Pokémon Go – just remember you need to have an Glalie in your Pokémon storage to perform its Mega Evolution.
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Mega Glalie counters and weaknesses in Pokémon Go
The fastest way to collect Mega Glalie energy is to defeat one in a Mega Raid. Below you’ll find the counters and weaknesses for Mega Glalie to help you achieve this:
- Mega Glalie type – Ice-type
- Mega Glalie is weak against – Fighting, Fire, Rock and Steel
- Mega Glalie is resistant to – Ice
- Mega Glalie Mega counters – Mega Charizard (Y ideally, X is still great) or Mega Houndoom with double Fire attacks are your best options. Mega Blaziken is a good choice if you want to boost everyone you raid with.
- Mega Glalie non-Mega counters – Fight Ice with Fire, or Fighting if you have Terrakion with Double Kick and Sacred Sword. Keldeo (if you bought one) is great with Low Kick and Sacred Sword, while Lucario with Counter and Aura Sphere is also excellent. Reshiram with Fire Fang and Overheat is great, while Metagross with Bullet Punch and Meteor Mash continues to overperform. Beyond that, you're looking at your stadard raid team – Darmanitan and Chandelure for Fire attacks, or Rampardos with Smack Down and Rock Slide if you have one. A maxed out Master League Dialge even works well here if you don't have the above.
- Number of players to beat Mega Glalie – Mega Glalie can be beaten by just two players if you have good enough counters, and soloed by a Level 50 player with maxed counters. Three players at level 40 is totally reasonable, and five players at level 30 should be fine, as long as you bring the right Pokémon to the battle!
- Tactics – As a pure Ice-type, Mega Glalie has a lot of weaknesses for you to exploit — if you’re battling in a group, be aware that most players will be bringing Fire-type Pokémon, so running with a Fire-type mega will boost your friends’ Pokémon's abilities. Mega Blaziken isn't the strongest option here, but it’s an interesting choice as it will also boost the Terrakions and Lucarios that will be fighting alongside you.

Mega Glalie CP in Pokémon Go
Below you’ll find the CP levels for battling for Mega Glalie and, if defeated, catching an Glalie after the fight in Pokémon Go:
- Mega Glalie Raid CP – 44,236 CP
- CP range for catching Glalie – 1764 – 1845 CP
- Weather (Foggy) when being caught – 2205 – 2307 CP
The Shared Skies Season is here! Adventure Week has returned and brought the Adventure Week: Taken Over quest, along with changes to the Team Rocket Leaders and Giovanni lineups. Go Fest 2024 may have been and gone, but you can still play around with the Fusion mechanic. Meanwhile, ticket holders can finish Go Fest 2024: A Shadowy Caper and The Dusk Settles. Don't forget to try out Routes, Gift Exchange and Party Play while you're hunting down rare Pokémon, fighting in the Go Battle League or competing in PokéStop Showcases.
Best Mega Glalie moveset in Pokémon Go
Mega Glalie can use a variety of Fast and Charged moves in Pokémon Go. The best Mega Glalie moves would be the steel combination of Ice Shard (Fast), Avalanche (Charged) and Shadow Ball (Charged). For raids, the Fast move Frost Breath is also a consideration, as it hits harder, but charges slower.

Here are the Fast and Charged moves Mega Glalie can use in Pokémon Go:
Fast Moves:
- Ice Shard (Ice)
- Frost Breath (Ice)
Charged Moves:
- Avalanche (Ice)
- Shadow Ball (Ghost)
- Gyro Ball (Ghost)
Everything we know about Glalie

The Face Pokémon, Glalie is an Ice-type Pokémon from Gen 3, and is the evolved form of Snorunt.
According to the official Pokédex entry, ‘It has a body of ice that won’t melt, even with fire. It can instantly freeze moisture in the atmosphere.’
Mega Glalie, meanwhile, is vaguely terrifying if you think too hard, especially when you look at its original in-game Pokédex entries which talk about how its jaw breaks. Its official Pokédex entry, however, simply reads: ‘When it spews stupendously cold air from its broken mouth, the entire area around it gets whited out.’
Good luck defeating Mega Glalie in Pokémon Go!