Pokémon Go A Mega Discovery Special Research: How to complete each quest tasks and earn Mega Beedrill explained
Learn how to Mega Evolve Pokémon!
A Mega Discovery is a Special Research questline in Pokémon Go that teaches you the basics of Mega Evolution.
Completing these challenges will not only teach you the basics of Mega Evolution, but gives you the opportunity to add Mega Beedrill to your Mega Pokédex.
It's time to start collecting Mega Energy and begin a journey into a whole new area of Pokémon evolution!
On this page:
How 'A Mega Discovery' works in Pokémon Go
Research Quests, which allow you to complete objectives for rewards, were introduced into Pokémon Go in March 2018.
There are three types of Research Quests - Field Research, Timed Research and Special Research. Unlike Field Research tasks, which offer a selection of tasks that can be completed whenever the player chooses, Special Research tasks are the same for every player and have a set, story driver, order.

A Mega Discovery is a Special Research questline designed to teach players how to use Mega Evolution, which was introduced into Pokémon Go in August 2020.
The quest itself consists of four steps, which each contain three individual challenges. You'll be rewarded for every individual challenge and overall step you complete. By the end of the Special Research, you'll be able to Mega Evolve Beedrill with ease.
There's no restriction to when you can complete A Mega Discovery, so feel free to begin your exploration into Mega Evolution whenever you please.
The Shared Skies Season is here! Adventure Week has returned and brought the Adventure Week: Taken Over quest, along with changes to the Team Rocket Leaders and Giovanni lineups. Go Fest 2024 may have been and gone, but you can still play around with the Fusion mechanic. Meanwhile, ticket holders can finish Go Fest 2024: A Shadowy Caper and The Dusk Settles. Don't forget to try out Routes, Gift Exchange and Party Play while you're hunting down rare Pokémon, fighting in the Go Battle League or competing in PokéStop Showcases.
'A Mega Discovery' quest steps in Pokémon Go
Below you'll find all the steps and confirmed rewards for A Mega Discovery. Be warned - this section does contain spoilers for both the tasks and rewards for this Special Research, so, if you don't want to know, we suggest skipping this section.
Thank you to mrmousepad from reddit for the help with this information.

'A Mega Discovery' Step 1 of 4
- Send 3 Gifts to Friends - x10 PokéBalls
- Earn a Candy walking with your Buddy - x10 Super Potions
- Catch 15 Pokémon - x25 Beedrill Mega Energy
Rewards: 5,000 XP, x3 Rare Candy and Weedle encounter
'A Mega Discovery' Step 2 of 4
- Power up Pokémon 5 times - x20 Weedle Candy
- Evolve 1 Weedle - x2,000 Stardust
- Defeat 3 Team Go Rocket Grunts - x1 Premium Raid Pass
Rewards: 5,000 XP, x1 Charge TM and x100 Beedrill Mega Energy
'A Mega Discovery' Step 3 of 4
- Win a raid - x6 Revives
- Battle in a Mega Raid - x2 Silver Pinap Berry
- Catch 10 Pokémon - x6 Hyper Potions
Rewards: 5,000 XP, x3 Rare Candy and x25 Beedrill Mega Energy
'A Mega Discovery' Step 4 of 4
- Claim reward - 1,500 Stardust
- Claim reward - 1,500 Stardust
- Claim reward - 1,500 Stardust
Rewards: 1,500 Stardust, 5,000 XP and x25 Beedrill Mega Energy
Tips for completing 'A Mega Discovery' in Pokémon Go
Here are some tips to help you complete A Mega Discovery in Pokémon Go:
- Don't transfer the Weedle or else you risk making A Mega Discovery harder for yourself.
- Look to the skies for a Team Go Rocket Balloon if you're having trouble finding an invaded PokéStop.
- Incense will attract Pokémon to your location, allowing you to complete a couple of these challenges very easily.
- Remember - Remote Raiding allows you to compete in raids from the comfort of your home, so you no longer have to rush outside to find a specific raid.
- Don't forget to check out the Mega Pokédex once you've completed A Mega Discovery.
Hope you enjoy learning the basics of Mega Evolution and completing A Mega Discovery!