How to get to the Finger Ruins of Dheo in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree
Follow this route to access these mysterious and hidden Finger Ruins.
The Finger Ruins of Dheo is a mysterious sub-location within the Hinterland region of Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. It's located on the eastern-most point of the Shadow Realm's map, and you'll need to visit these ruins as part of Count Ymir's questline to find all of his Ruins Map locations.
To help you get there, read on below to find out the exact route you need to take in order to get to the Finger Ruins of Dheo. There are some important pre-requisites you need to do first before you can access this location, but we'll tell you everything you need to know to find this hidden location. We'll also tell you how to claim the important new Talisman that lies within it, and where to find one of the rare stone coffins where you can duplicate the game's boss Remembrances.
On this page:
- How to get to the Finger Ruins of Dheo
- Where to find the Cerulean Seed Talisman +1
- Where to find the Remembrance duplication coffin
How to get to the Finger Ruins of Dheo
To begin your journey to the Finger Ruins of Dheo, you first need to find the Shadow Keep's Back Gate. Secondly, you'll need to obtain the O Mother Gesture emote from Bonny Village, which you might have come across on your way to the east side of the Shadow Keep.
If you've yet to find the Shadow Keep's Back Gate, here are the basic steps you need to follow to reach this part of the Keep:
- Fast travel to the Site of Grace 'Storehouse, Back Section', which you'll reach by entering the Shadow Keep from the east via its Church District.
- Climb the nearby stairs that takes you to the upper levels of the Shadow Keep, and go up one more floor when you reach the top.
- On this upper floor, go through the hole in the wall to the right of one of the large bookshelves to reach a rickety staircase leading up to the Site of Grace 'Storehouse Loft'.
- Use the lift to reach the upper rafters of the Storehouse, and follow the beams round to the other side of the tower, taking care not to fall off to your doom.
- Once you're on the other side of the Storehouse Loft, go outside and use the two lifts to take you right back down to the bottom of the Shadow Keep.
- Rest at the Site of Grace 'Shadow Keep, Back Gate'.
From the Site of Grace 'Shadow Keep, Back Gate', enter the room on your right that has one Scadutree Fragment to collect at the bottom of the large statue. You'll notice a small white tablet on the floor here, saying: "Have mercy. For the spirited-away shamans".
The real meaning behind this cryptic message is that you must perform the O Mother gesture in front of the statue.

The statue will then move to the side, revealing a hidden entrance way. Go through this new passage and rest at the Site of Grace 'Hinterland' outside.
You'll notice you can summon Spirit Ashes in this area, and I'd recommend doing so immediately, as you're about to face two Tree Sentinels. You can see one of them patrolling the cliff road down below, but the other will come careering round the corner at high speed as you go down the path, which can make for a nasty surprise if you're unprepared.
Thankfully, you don't have to fight them together - you can fight each one separately by staying away from the Sentinel further down the road. You can probably also just ride past both of them and ignore them if you prefer, but if you do want to stick around and fight them, these Tree Sentinels will no doubt feel very familiar to the ones you fought in Elden Ring's base game, as they exhibit no new behaviours or attacks.

One has a large spear, while the second has a spear and over-sized shield, making it difficult to attack them from one side. Still, fighting them on Torrent will help, as his extra speed will give you bursts of energy to avoid their large spear swings, and with the aid of a Spirit Ash summon, they should go down relatively easily.
Once they're dealt with, continue over the bridge and continue heading east, though make sure you activate the Site of Grace 'Hinterland Bridge' as you go. Keep following the road south-east, though watch out for the snake-worm enemies that line the path in neat, curled up circles. You can have a nose around the surrounding cliffs if you like, but there isn't much to discover here, so you might as well stick to the main path to save yourself some time.

Eventually you'll reach another Site of Grace 'Fingerstone Hill' near what appears to be a purple meteor site. If you approach this, you'll have to fight a Fallingstar Beast, so consider yourself warned. Again, it's exactly the same boss you fought in Elden Ring's base game, and you'll be rewarded with 170,000 Runes and a new Sorcery spell called Gravitational Missile.
The Finger Ruins of Dheo aren't far now - all you need to do is continue south. Though, you'll notice the air growing thick with fog the further you go, so equip your lantern or torch to help you see through the murk.

Keep heading south, watching out for the horrible spider hands patrolling the area and other magical snake-worms, and you'll reach the Finger Ruins of Dheo in no time.
Where to find the Cerulean Seed Talisman +1
The main item you can get from exploring the Finger Ruins of Dheo is the Cerulean Seed Talisman +1. This "greatly boosts FP restoration from your Flash of Cerulean Tears", and can be found in the main part of the ruins here (right where the map icon is):

To receive it, all you need to do is "Sound the Hanging Bell" in the centre of the ruins by walking up to it and interacting with it. It's exactly the same process as the Finger Ruins of Rhia, and this is the Hanging Bell you're looking for:

Where to find the Remembrance duplication coffin
Just like the Finger Ruins of Rhia, the Finger Ruins of Dheo is one of the few locations where you're able to duplicate boss Remembrances. There are just three Remembrance duplication locations in Shadow of the Erdtree, and each one only lets you duplicate a Remembrance once, so make sure you choose wisely when interacting with it!
Unlike the Finger Ruins of Rhia, this stone coffin is found just a little way north of the ruins themselves. In fact, the easiest way to approach it is from the Site of Grace 'Fingerstone Hill', as it sits directly east of it. You'll need to drop down a few cliff levels to reach it, but here is its precise location on the map to help you track it down:

It's located right on the edge of the cliff, and there are a group of spider hands hanging out right next to it, so you'll want to take care of them first before interacting with it.
That's it for the Finger Ruins of Dheo. You can now continue exploring the Hinterland region of Scaduview, and make sure to return to Ymir at the Cathedral of Manus Metyr once you're done to report your findings about the Hanging Bell.
Need more help? Improve your stats by finding all of Shadow of the Erdtree's Scadutree Fragment locations and Revered Spirit Ash locations. Alternatively, see which Erdtree bosses you've still got left to beat, and track down some great new early weapons to help you on your adventure.