Elden Ring Murkwater Cave walkthrough
We meet an old acquaintance in the small cave and fall into his trap.
The Murkwater Cave in Elden Ring is a location in Limgrave.
This cave isn't one of the biggest ones you'll find in Elden Ring, in fact it only really consists of two major passages. However, you will need to fight your way in and, once inside, you'll have a familiar face waiting for you at the end.
Here's our Elden Ring Murkwater Cave walkthrough, including how to beat Patches in Murkwater Cave.
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Elden Ring Murkwater Cave walkthrough
You'll discover it near the ruins burnt by the dragon. Here is the location on the map:

The first passage into the cave is prevented by a fog at the entrance and the Bloody Finger Nerijus NPC enters your game. Depending on when you get here, he may well pose a challenge.
(Yura comes to your aid in the fight, but he takes a little time, see Yura's quest).
He drops the Reduvia Dagger when you kill him, and the cave becomes accessible again

The inside is secured with small bells as an alarm system, at ankle height and can be triggered when you walk through the chains. The sounds startle the inhabitants of the cave.
The cave is not large, just two passages. The one on the left ends at a treasure chest with 5x Mushroom, the one on the right leads to the wall of fog and thus to the boss.

Behind the gate is just a box and nothing else. Open it, there is only a Cloth Garb and Cloth Trousers inside. It belongs to an old acquaintance.
How to beat Patches in Murkwater Cave in Elden Ring
Patches should not be missed in Elden Ring. He jumps down to you from the ledge and starts a solid boss fight.

For the fact that he can be a very early boss, his attacks sometimes draw quite a bit of stamina when blocking, especially the jump attack and particularly the kick.
The kick really sucks. It goes through the shield and the entire stamina bar and stuns you briefly. Patches is cunning enough to exploit this gap and pierces you with his spear. If your life bar is too short, that's it.
It's okay to block a spear thrust, but for heaven's sake, not the kick. Otherwise, circle around him and try a backstab. Or a defensive counter after his thrust.

Patches doesn't have any really fancy animations and gives you plenty of chances. Sometimes he spits a red cloud at you, but you don't even have to hurry to escape it.
Shortly before tipping over, Patches begs for mercy and you can spare him. This is rewarded with a Golden Rune (1) and the 'Grovel for Mercy' gesture.
He explains that, as a looter, he has it super hard and so on. Patches' Emporium is open once you return after resting at the Site of Grace.

Patches is now available here as a retailer and has a lot on offer that is not available everywhere. For example:
- Margit's necklace: 5000 runes
- Swordstone Key: 5000 runes
- Missionary's Cookbook 2: 800 runes
- Sacrificial Twig: 5000 runes
He then moves on and we meet him again at the Site of Grace 'Scenic Isle' in Liurnia. He then makes his way to Volcano Manor.
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