Elden Ring Highroad Cave walkthrough
Here, we have to master tricky jumps and defeat a Golem at the end.
The Highroad Cave in Elden Ring is a location in Limgrave.
This cave in Elden Ring has Wolves, loot, Land Octopuses and much more to discover. However, once you reach the end you'll have a very tall boss to face - a guardian Golem.
Here's our Elden Ring Highroad Cave walkthrough, and how to beat the Highroad Cave Guardian Golem boss.
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Elden Ring Highroad Cave walkthrough
It is located east of the Deathtouched Catacombs and not far from the Site of Grace 'Divine Bridge'. You have to throw yourself and your horse off the bridge where the pumpkin head is roaming and land in the ghost well.

Ride north past the Land Octopuses and look to the left towards the rock face, where you will discover the entrance to the cave.

Activate the Site of Grace and follow the northern path deeper into the cave. After a few meters, you will have to drop down several times.
Kill the wolves in the next room and you can explore some corridors. The north-eastern passage will take you to two wolves guarding a corpse with 1x Golden Rune (1).

Then drop down several times below the incoming light and follow the cave tunnel northwards. Behind the wolves at the campfire, you can head west along the left side and find a corpse with 3x Arteria Leaf.
Go back into the passage you came from and follow it north. In the dead end on the left you will find a corpse with 2x Fire Grease next to some wolves, continue to the right.
In the next cave you will see a waterfall and can catch an impressive view of the area in front of you. Walk along the cliffs on the left, drop down once and kill the bats. Towards the south at the end of the path lies a corpse with 3x Smithing Stone (1).
Continue in a north-easterly direction and jump down at the waterfall. Go left into the cave with the bats, kill them and collect 1x Smithing Stone (2).
Now run upstream and behind some Land Octopuses you will discover a corpse with 1x Golden Rune (4) in a dead end. There is nothing else to collect here.

Go back down into the cave with the waterfall and take a look down. Drop down to where the water is gushing. You should see some messages at the bottom if you are playing online.
Jump onto the fallen pillar and flatten the bats behind it with a falling attack. They are guarding a corpse with the Scimitar Shamshir.

Towards the north-east you have to make more jumps and end up at a campfire. Follow the passage next to it to a room with a Giant Land Octopus on the ceiling. The big lump will fall down if you get close enough.
Take out the beast and cross the passage leading northwest. You will end up at a corpse on the ledge.

Continue to the left and you will see a pillar next to the waterfall, which you can jump onto with enough of a running jump. Then walk under the waterfall and follow the passage leading south to the boss of the HighRoad Cave.
How to beat the Guardian Golem in the Highroad Cave in Elden Ring
The golem takes a moment to rise. Take advantage of this and give it a few hits as it struggles to get up.

We already know this type of enemy from Limgrave. It is strong, but very slow and sluggish in its animations. This means that if you dodge a lot and at the right time, you have a good chance here.
If he swings his axe in an arc in front of him, dodge forwards towards his body and strike back. You have time for several hits.

During an attack animation, it can really stretch out and cover almost the entire arena. Don't underestimate this range.
He likes to follow up his axe swing with a firebreath attack, which you can avoid by dodging or sprinting to the side.
He also stomps the shaft of his weapon on the ground in front of him several times, up to four times in a row. Let him let off steam and keep your distance when he does so.

Sometimes he just stomps once, only to raise his weapon shortly afterwards, which creates a small shockwave all around - and sweeps you off your feet.
You can dodge his overhead strike by jumping diagonally forwards towards his body. You then have one of the best counterattack options in this fight.

Generally try to stay between his legs and do damage there. It is too slow to react appropriately (except with the stomp at some point).
Your rewards for beating this Golem are 1700 runes and the Blue Dancer Charm.
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