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Diglett and Alolan Diglett 100% perfect IV stats, shiny Dugtrio in Pokémon Go

Everything you need to know about double Diglett’s Spotlight Hour.

Image credit: The Pokémon Company

This week’s Spotlight Hour is all about the Mole Pokémon. No, not the ones that actually look like a mole, Drilbur, the other one. No, not Excadrill, that’s the Subterrene Pokémon. Yes, that one - this week is the perfect chance to catch a Diglett in Pokémon Go. Which Diglett? Both Diglett!

Like Drilbur and Excadrill, Diglett and Alolan Diglett are Ground and Ground/Steel Pokémon respectively. There has been lots of speculation over what the body of these subterranean (no, not the Subterrene Pokémon) look like below ground. There's also speculation as to which brand of shampoo Alolan Dugtrio uses, because that Pokémon easily has the best hair in the Pokémon universe. Slay, Dugtrio.

But we digress. Assuming you already have all of the Diglett you need in Pokémon Go (spoiler warning, you do), you may want to make the most of the other draw for this Spotlight Hour: the double evolution XP bonus, meaning that instead of catching Pokémon, you can rake in XP by cracking a Lucky Egg and going to town!

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Diglett 100% perfect IV stats in Pokémon Go

This week’s Spotlight Hour is a great opportunity to catch a Diglett with perfect IV stats.

Diglett and its Alolan cousin, Alolan Diglett.

'Perfect' means two things in Pokémon Go, depending on how you plan to use a given Pokémon. First, there’s the maxed out, 100% IV version, which is the 15/15/15 you’re looking for your 4* Pokédex, raids and Master League. Yet, because of how CP is calculated using three stats, a perfect IV Pokémon is generally only ever the best version of itself in the Master League.

Of course, you can’t see the IV of a Pokémon without catching it first, but with a little research beforehand, you can quickly spot a perfect Diglett based on the CP alone.

If you’re at Level 30 (or above), you’ll ideally be looking for the following CPs for a perfect 15/15/15 Diglett:

  • Level 30 (wild CP maximum) - 579 CP
  • Level 35 (weather-boosted wild CP maximum - 628 CP
  • As for the Alolan forme, if you’re at Level 30 (or above), you’ll ideally be looking for the following CPs for a perfect 15/15/15 Alolan Diglett:

  • Level 30 (wild CP maximum) - 584 CP
  • Level 35 (weather-boosted wild CP maximum - 632 CP
  • The wild CP value aligns with your Trainer Level until you reach Level 30 and, due to the majority of the player base now being above this level, we’ve kept to these values for the sake of simplicity. These values will, however, be different if you’re currently below Level 30.

    The Shared Skies Season is here! Adventure Week has returned and brought the Adventure Week: Taken Over quest, along with changes to the Team Rocket Leaders and Giovanni lineups. Go Fest 2024 may have been and gone, but you can still play around with the Fusion mechanic. Meanwhile, ticket holders can finish Go Fest 2024: A Shadowy Caper and The Dusk Settles. Don't forget to try out Routes, Gift Exchange and Party Play while you're hunting down rare Pokémon, fighting in the Go Battle League or competing in PokéStop Showcases.

    Are Dugtrio and Alolan Dugtrio good in PVP?

    Hard nope, they're terrible, and that’s in the lowest rung of Go Battle League. They’re both completely unusable in Ultra League and Master League.

    Dugtrio and Alolan Dugtrio.

    Of all of you options, Shadow Alolan Dugtrio is your best bet, running Sand Attack, Mud Bomb and Iron Head in Great League. This is a spammy combo on a glass cannon. You can apply shield pressure, sure, but not for long as you will quickly lose to some very strong meta Pokémon: Shadow Gligar, Annihilape, Shadow Whiscash, Lickitung and Skarmory. Still, you can beat the likes of Lanturn, Registeel, Bastiodon, Charjabug and Wigglytuff – though if you're struggling against those Pokémon, there are vastly better options for you.

    As for Ultra League and Master League, don’t waste your time. You will lose almost instantly.

    Are there shiny Diglett and shiny Alolan Diglett in Pokémon Go?

    Yes, shiny Diglett and shiny Alolan Diglett are in Pokémon Go.

    Everything in the Diglett evolution line is a Ground-type Pokémon, with the Alolans gaining Steel as a second typing. (Image via

    The shiny form of both Digletts were released back in 2019, a few months apart.

    If luck is on your side, you may find a shiny Diglett in the wild, but be aware that this is not a Community Day and shiny rates are not boosted, so the chances of catching one, let alone a perfect one, are very low. That said, each Diglett you see has the potential to be shiny, so it’s purely a numbers game - tap each and every one of them and see what you get. Good luck finding the Diglett you need!

    What do shiny Diglett and Alolan Diglett look like?

    As you can see, shiny Diglett simply changes the colour of its nose from pink to blue. That’s a pretty disappointing shiny.

    Shiny Diglett & Dugtrio model comparison (models via Chrales)
    byu/EgaTehPro inTheSilphRoad

    So what about Alolan Diglett? Does life in the sun and sand make it any better? As the Reddit user Mattman676 astutely points out, it simply makes it sunburnt. Oh, and it keeps the blue nose.

    You may hate Alolan Diglett Line, but appreciate the fact that the shiny is basically sun-burnt
    byu/mattman676 inpokemon

    Thanks to Reddit users EgaTehPro and mattman676 for the handy previews!

    Other tips for this Spotlight Hour

    Aside from trying to catch a shiny Diglett in Pokémon Go, there are a couple of other good reasons to partake in this week's Spotlight Hour:

    • The best reason is, of course, the double evolution XP bonus running throughout the hour. This gives you the chance to gather a lot of XP very quickly, so you can raise your Trainer Level. The best way to do this is to have two Tags in your Pokémon storage dedicated to this hour. The first is stuff you want to evolve and keep - generally strong Pokémon and Pokémon you need to evolve to update your Pokédex - and thing you want to evolve and transfer. This second box should contain all of the 12-candy Pokémon. The search string to quickly find all of these at lower than 3* rating is: 0*,1*,2*&10,13,16,265,293,519&!shiny.
    • If you’re a newcomer, this Spotlight Hour is the perfect time to collect enough Diglett candy to fully evolve this Pokémon and register its evolutions, Boldore and Dugtrio, in your Pokédex.
    • Thanks to Diglett being a Ground-type Pokémon, and Alolan Diglett being a Ground/Steel-type Pokémon, catching a bunch during this Spotlight Hour will add progress to your respective catch bonus medal.

    Remember - Spotlight Hour events only last for an hour - 6pm to 7pm (local time). Come back next week for a primer on the Roly-Poly Pokémon, Togedemaru, and its double catch Stardust bonus.

    Good luck finding a perfect Diglett!

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